Past AP Research Blogs

AP Research Supervisor
Lyndsay Haag:

Luke Armistead: Racism Bred from War: How Occupation Affected American Soldiers’ Perception of Occupied Subjects in Japan and Iraq.

Garrett Auer: A Comparative Analysis of Hidden Markov Models, Principal Component Analysis, and Kalman Filtering in Accelerometer-Based Impact Detection Systems

Praneeth Batte: The Notorious B.L.O.G.

Rohith Boyilla: Educating Patients on the CRC Screening Health Care Process

Alex Cohen: What's a Jew to Do?: An Investigation of Identity and Its Displacement in Post-Soviet Russian Literature

Claire Conway: Barbies and Building Blocks: An Exploration of Peer Pressure and Gendered Toys

Alan Gong: Teamwork in the Trench: Exploring Teamwork Processes in Randomized Dota 2 Teams

Arjun Gupta: Selection Protocols for PCA pumps: Overlooked or Unnecessary?

Abbas Haider: Food Fight: The Inefficiencies within food aid systems present in the Middle East and Sahel.

Sabrina Kharrazi: Rage Against the Marquee: An Observational Study of Aggression in a Concert Setting

Braddy Kim: It's Actually a Monster

Eric Kim: Equilibrium Strategies of a Prize Variant of Combinatorial Bidding Games

Viktoriya Kovalchuk: Shedding Light on Dark Matter Particles 

Abijith Krishnan: Taking a Macroscopic Look at Microscopic Defects: A Relationship between the Surface Energy of a Si Wafer and the Fraction of Defects on its Surface

Malavika Krishnan: Campaign Finance Reform and its Ethical Implications on the American Electoral Process

Marine Loison: Boy Meets Girl: Catholic Teens Perception of Marriage Theology

Yu Sang Ma: Nutritional and Regulatory Problem with School Lunches: Who's Responsible?

Neel Madala: Compose Yourself: An Inquiry Into the Role of Emotion in the Musical Creative Process

Vivek Mahendra: Shady Software: An Investigation into Android Security 

Will Marks: American Arbitration: A Look at Foreign Implementation of Western Political Systems

Victoria Meyer: Breaking Bad Sentencing Guidelines: An Analysis of Mandatory Minimum Sentencing and Drug Rehabilitation

Zoe Mhungu: Not a Laughing Matter: Insights on the Portrayals of Black Females in Comedy Television

Natasha Milligan: Sunshine in Saitama: A Bilingual Journey through Education and Musical Theatre

Masha Mitina:  Reading colors: Synesthesia in Russian and American Literature During the Late 1800s and Early 1900s. 

Sachin Pathangey: Physical Therapy: The ART of Rehabilitation?

Jayati Sharma: Ironing out the Differences: Acculturation and Iron Intake in Mexican-Americans

Emily Sherman: Great Minds Blink Alike: How Spontaneous Blink Rate Indicates Risky Decision Making

Jayden Soni: Straight Outta Carbon: An Analysis of Renewable Microgrid Simulations

Sangita Subramanian: The Good, the Bad, and the Guilty: Media Portrayal of Rape Culture in America and India

Lazar Vukcevik: Nuclear Proliferation in Iran

Kathleen Wu: Kinases and Cancer: Olig2/Fyn's Tumorigenic Interaction

Sierra Yavari: Stress Relief: The Relationship Between Yoga and Baha’i Prayer

Ryan Zenhausern: Thirst: The Desperate Need for Water Sustainability